Express Lube locations

225 S Western Ave, Waupaca, WI 54981
1436 Neva Rd, Antigo, WI 54409
1133 Grand Ave, Rothschild, Wi 54474

Full service repair

323 S Western Ave, Waupaca, WI 54981
201 Central Bridge Street, Wausau, WI, 54401


Are Your Brakes Ready for Winter in Waupaca, WI?

Breaking down in the winter – especially if you have to wait with your vehicle – is the last thing anyone wants to do. If it takes the tow truck a while to get there, you’re freezing cold if the car doesn’t start, or you’re wasting gas idling it to keep warm while waiting. You can significantly minimize the risk of breaking down in the winter by ensuring that you take care of your vehicle’s maintenance and have a Little Wolf Auto technician give the vehicle a checkup.

Brake Pads and Shoes

Whether you need a brake system checkup or brake repair done, we check the entire brake system. We can look at the pads and rotors to determine if they are worn enough to replace. If you have a vehicle that has drums and shoes on the rear, we do have to remove the drums to check the condition of the brakes.

Are Your Brakes Ready for the Winter in Waupaca WI, with Little Wolf Automotive; image showing young male driving mother in car during snow in winter

While checking the brakes, we can also rotate the tires since we have to take them off to check the brakes. This is also an excellent time to check the undercarriage, including your muffler system, fuel lines, and brake lines. And, since your vehicle is in the air, it’s also an excellent time to replace the fuel filter if it hasn’t been done in a while.

Brake pads that are too low reduce stopping power. The last thing you want in a Waupaca, WI winter – is not to be able to stop when you need to.

Rotors and Calipers, Wheel Cylinders and Drums

The rotors, drums, calipers, and drums do not always need replacing when changing the pads or shoes. In some cases, we can turn the rotors and drums. However, letting the brake pads or shoes get too low could cause the rotors or drums to score so much that we can’t turn them. Additionally, it could cause extra pressure in the wheel cylinders and break the seals. If the brake pads get too low, the calipers could overextend, which often causes them to lock the brake pads onto the rotor.

Brake Fluid

As part of brake service and repair in Waupaca WI, we also check the brake fluid and top it off. If the brake fluid is too low or dirty, it could damage the master cylinder, hoses, and calipers. Little Wolf Auto will flush the system and replace the old brake fluid with new if you haven’t had the system flushed in a while or if the brake fluid looks milky or dirty.

Auto Repair in Waupaca WI

Before the frigid cold gets here, it’s also good to check other components, including belts, hoses, and tires. If you usually run all-season tires during the winter, they need to have plenty of tread. You could also switch to winter tires for better traction on slush, snow, and ice.

If you need auto repair or brake service and repair in Waupaca, WI, contact Little Wolf Auto to make an appointment. If you do break down this winter, direct the tow truck to drop your vehicle at the shop and give us a call to let us know it is on the way.